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What is PACEs science?
Modulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis by Early Life Stress Exposure
Are you suffering from adrenal fatigue?
The HPA-axis and neuroinflammation
INFOGRAPHIC: The Truth About ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
70-30 Campaign
Fight or Flight Video
Resiliency Building Skills
Understanding Childhood Trauma
The Impact of Trauma
The Impact of Trauma
Mission: Increase recognition of PTSD secondary to ACEs and aid in establishing universal services to increase resiliency and promote well-being.
-Traumatic response – use HPA axis chart and illustrate HPA axis hyperactivity.
-Adrenal fatigue – cannot get proper rest when HPA axis is constantly firing. (Soldier in a fox hole, bear in the woods...)
-Support local and national systems to enhance early intervention in those who suffer from affects of ACEs....
-The ACE test doesn’t reflect the burden of does not take into account the number of times or duration of abuse
• Dose/response relationship. The greater the dose, the greater the responses. Strong links in adverse health outcomes...higher likelihood of poor social and health outcomes with extended trauma.
-Reduce adverse childhood experiences by reducing events
• Understand children’s needs and also what their parents have faced.
-Social support – proved information/education on trauma informed care in schools, facilities, clinics, and individual groups. Aid in developing strategies to manage symptoms and triggers. Know that these symptoms and triggers may be compartmentalized and be delayed for months or years before appearing.
-Happiness isn’t brain surgery...We can change the way we view life and the way we adjust when given the proper tools for coping. (Protective factors/resilience/empathy visual aid).
-Many physical illnesses and behavioral changes are associated with extended exposure to stressful events.
-The severity and duration of stressful events...
Schools – make ACE screening a part of every student every year. Should be performed with initial screening and upon referral from teachers whose students are acting out or exhibiting mental health issues.
ACE Test was originally created by Dr. Vince Felitti at Kaiser Permanente and Dr. Bob Anda at the CDC in YEAR.
From 1995 to 1997 17.500 adults were asked about exposure to “adverse childhood experiences and tracked,” or ACES including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; physical or emotional neglect; parental mental illness, substance dependence,
incarceration; parental separation or divorce; or domestic violence. Every yes on the test equated to one point.
70% of these individuals were caucasion and 70% were college educated. This rules out the stigma that is typically placed related to social .....It is not marginalized to children in poor neighborhoods, or poor families. It is not marginalized to individuals who are uneducated.
Dr. Robert Block, former President of the American Academy of Pediatrics stated “Adverse Childhood Experiences are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today.”
Help make a successful transition into adolescence and adulthood.